About Dublin

Essential Information


English & Irish

Three-prong outlet

230v / 50Hz

Weather in Dublin

The average temperature in Dublin in the winter is 5C / 41 F.

View RTE's weather website here.

Visa Information

  • EU Citizen / European Economic Area

    You don't need a visa if you are a EU citizen or from a country in the European Economic Area (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein)

  • Short Stay 'C' Visa

    Citizens of visa-required countries can apply for a short stay visa for visits up to 90 days.

  • Short Stay Visa Waiver Programme

    Allows nationals of certain countries, who have entered the UK on a UK short stay visa, to travel to Ireland without the requirement to obtain an Irish visa.

Visit Irish Immigration's website here.

Travelling to Dublin

Getting to Dublin is a breeze. Dublin Airport is one of the busiest in Europe, with hundreds of daily flights providing a huge range of options to get here.

Direct flights are available from most major cities in the UK and continental Europe, several hubs in North America, and the Gulf cities of Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Connecting hubs hook up with further flights from all over the world, providing for easy access to the Irish capital.

Things to do in Dublin

There's always something new to discover in the capital. Get inspired and plan your next adventure with expert-written guides to the best things to do in Dublin.

View VisitDublin's website here.



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